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3:17 p.m. - Friday, Feb. 17, 2006
HB Is Gone
I have recently learned that my poor little HB, my kitty, has been found dead. She evidently was attacked by a dog or dogs and was killed brutally. I have been pretty upset for most of three days now after finding out about this. I just wanted to let y'all know what had happened and why I might not have been online as much. The loss of my HB hurts as badly as if a human in my family had passed on. It really hurts badly.

I had given HB to a friend who had wanted HB. I couldn't have pets where I moved to. Then, I suppose because the invironment was so different, HB jumped out of an open window that didn't have a screen on it at Mitzi's house and they found her tiny body later. I don't know a lot of details about it and don't want to know. I was only told that HB was pretty torn up. I have been crying every time I think about her. I have written some of the memories I have of Honey Belle aka HB.

This stat reminds me so much of Honey Belle aka HB. She was a sweet little kitty. She was mine alone. She would follow me into every room that I went into. Sometimes she would rest on the arm of my rocker as I sat in it. We would watch CSI together many times and she would look at me strangely when I sang along with the theme song because I can't carry a tune in a bucket.

HB would even come into the bathroom with me, jump on the counter while I was there and begin her stretching routine, many times putting out one paw onto my shoulder during her stretches.

HB made different kinds of meow sounds for different things and I was beginning to learn what some of her meows meant. I especially loved and will always remember HB's good morning to you meow. She sounded so cute and cheery with that meow. It was almost a chirrupy kind of meow. So sweet.

She would sleep at the head of my bed on her own quilt folded up. And she loved to look outside so she would most often be found sitting on the bed looking out the window that was beside it or sitting in the living room if the door was open looking out the storm door. She had her special place to sit. She enjoyed a cardboard box turned over upside down where she would sit or lie and look out the door for long periods of time. Whenever she got bored with me being on the computer for too long HB would jump onto the computer table and proceed to walk back and forth stopping directly in front of the monitor and looking at me. I would pet her and she would walk on by, turn around and come back for another rub.

HB loved strawberry yogurt and sometimes a bit of ice cream. She would see me getting out the carton of yogurt and she would come and stand looking up at that carton, staying close by so that I wouldn't forget to give her her spoonful.

HB was a one-person cat. She would hide beneath my bed whenever we had company. Or she would want to be let outside.

Most of all...HB was my closest friend. I often said that HB was great to talk to. She would listen with rapt attention and never tell a soul not one word that was shared between us. HB could keep a secret better than anyone I know.

I'm beginnin' to cry again. So I'd better stop now. I can barely see to type.

I will miss you sooo much HB. You were the best friend I've ever had and I love you with all my heart and always will forever.



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